Kraylos: Yellow Finds His Purpose
By Bartholemew Shaid Williamson, editor Angela Williamson
Shaid Williamson was born in Rhode Island, but grew up on Straight Mountain in Oneonta, Alabama. He began working as a painter in his late teens. He has been a fireman, worked in children's ministries, owned his own business, and briefly experienced the so-called American Dream. But somewhere along the way he fell down, made some seriously bad choices, and is currently incarcerated in an Alabama prison. While there, he has been able to get off drugs, think clearly, and remember who he was before his unwise choices. He now resides in the Honors dorm, where he sits with his colored pencils drawing extraordinary things. He lives for the day when he is released and can embrace his children to be the father they deserve.
Hardcover or Softcover, 38 pages, 9" X 11" format